Ban on Slaughter Raises Number of Abandoned Horses

>> Feb 26, 2009

The number of horses being abandoned is said to have risen since the ban on horse slaughter. There aren't enough homes to house all of these horses. There aren't enough resources for rescues to care for all these abandoned horses.

Dogs and cats can be humanely euthanized. Yes, it is sad but I don't see that changing anytime soon. Isn't there an affordable way to do this with horses as well so those that are too sick or have bad temperaments (just like with dogs and cats) can be humanely laid to rest? Abandoned horses are without medical care and left to fend for themselves resulting in malnutrition.

What's the answer?


Are You Too Heavy For Your Horse?

We have seen temperatures in the 50's for the past two days. It gives me a bit of spring fever when this happens (and makes it all the more disappointing when the cold weather comes crashing in again).

I wanted to lose weight this month to lighten up in the saddle. I haven't lost enough yet. I've lost four pounds so far without diet pills. Only 21 more pounds to go!

I am not grossly overweight (almost borderline I think) and certainly not too heavy for my part draft horse but I feel like I need to lose some weight. Seeing pictures of myself in the saddle makes me cringe.

I have seen people on horses who appeared to heavy for the horse and I felt bad for the horse. I want to make sure I do not become one of those people. How do you determine what the proper weight limit is for a horse?


Will It Get Easier To Monitor My Health?

I am sitting here right now watching the news about the changes going on in the country and those yet to come. I've heard talk of making our medical records all electronic (which has me remembering that I have yet to make a doctor appointment for myself so I am going to have my husband harping on me soon again if I don't).

My current doctor is partially electronic already using a POS system, but I am wondering what it means to go entirely electronic? Does it mean WE would have access to our medical records through the Internet or just other medical personnel? I don't see that aspect of it as a bad thing. I would like to be able to look up my records online...better than waiting three days for a doctor to call me back to give me lab results! Being married to a non-custodial father, I would also like to see my husband have access to his children's medical records easily as well. However, if our entire medical history is computerized, computers can be hacked into. How would that be prevented? I certainly wouldn't want anybody else having access to my medical records.


Dog Treat Recall

>> Feb 24, 2009

American Health Kennels is voluntarily recalling several of its baked dog treats due to the peanut butter recalls we've all heard about recently. This is from their Release:

"We are effecting this recall in the interest of public safety even though we know our product is safe.

According to the FDA, pets with salmonellosis may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets may exhibit milder systems such as decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain while other pets may show no symptoms at all. Well animals can be carriers and transmit the bacteria to other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and exhibits these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.

While the risk of animals contracting salmonellosis is minimal, there is risk to humans from handling these products. It is important for people to wash their hands--and make sure children wash their hands--before and, especially, after feeding treats to pets.The following items manufactured by American Health Kennels, Inc. are subject to this recall:

  • American Health Kennels, Inc., Cookie Bars: Creamy Peanut Butter UPC 725999522004; PB & Carob Chips UPC 725999523001; Lucious Carob UPC 725999521007; 4pack Cookiebar Assortment UPC 725999538005; Best Before: 11/09
  • American Health Kennels, Inc., Peanut Butter Crunch 12oz UPC 725999001103; 16oz UPC 725999161104; Best Before: 11/09
  • American Health Kennels, Inc. Bark Bars Peanut Butter: 1.5oz Jumbo UPC 725999000168; 2.25 Pillow Pack UPC 725999333105; 2.5lb canister UPC 725999005064; 5lb bulk UPC 725999001257; 6oz Smiles UPC 725999530009; Giggles UPC 725999530009
  • American Health Kennels, Inc., Christmas Stocking 6oz UPC 725999000175; Christmas Card Mailer UPC 725999513003; Birthday Mailer UPC 725999528006; “With Love” Hearts UPC 725999512944; Holiday Smiles UPC 725999222300
  • American Health Kennels, Inc., 100 Calorie 2oz Pillow Pack UPC 725999539101; 100 Calorie 14oz dispenser UPC 725999539200; Gravity Trial 2oz UPC 725999400166; Best Before: 11/09
  • American Health Kennels, Inc., Bark Bars Minis UPC 72599953300; Best Before: 11/09
  • American Health Kennels, Inc., Bark Bars Animal Snackers 3oz UPC 725999512098; 12oz UPC 725999512098; Best Before: 11/09
  • American Health Kennels, Inc., Bark Bars Milk & Cookies UPC 725999333808; Best Before: 11/09
  • American Health Kennels, Inc., Dog Ate My Homework Jumbo UPC 725999531006; 2oz Pillow Pack UPC 725999535004; Best Before: 11/09
  • American Health Kennels, Inc., Bark Bars Naughty or Nice UPC 725999530092; Best Before: 11/09
  • American Health Kennels, Inc., Bark Bars Carob & Peanut Butter, 2.5lb canister UPC 725999005071; 2.25oz Pillow Pack UPC 725999333402; 5lb bulk UPC 725999003251; Best Before: 11/09
  • American Health Kennels, Inc., Bark Bars Brownie Delight 12oz UPC 725999003107; 5lb bulk UPC 725999003251; Best Before: 11/09"


Horse Slaughter Opinions

I have been a horse owner for 2-1/2 years now and do not know anywhere near everything there is to know about horses, their care, their temperaments, training, costs, health, etc. I haunt horse forums to learn what I can about horses.

One subject that always comes up, and causes huge (if not nasty) debates is horse slaughter. Should it be legal or not? Is it humane or not? Is it a necessity or not?

I don't know anything about the subject so I can't speak for or against. I would like to learn more though. I know when dogs or cats are in extreme pain that can't be helped or a dog mauls somebody, they are usually put to sleep. Is it any different for horses?

Do you have an opinion you'd like to share on horse slaughter? Do you think the closing of the slaughter plants in the United States was a positive or negative on the horse community? Is it animal cruelty or humane?


Anybody Scrapbook?

I want to learn how to do this but don't know where to start. I've seen kits at stores but I am not sure if that's the right first step so I don't buy one.

I want to make a scrapbook for each of my children. I think it'd be something for them to look at now but appreciate when they are older. I have a bag full of pictures from my childhood that I wish had been taken care of better by my parents so I'd like to do different for my own kids.

I like the creativity aspect of scrapbooking - different papers, designs, cut-outs, custom rubber stamps where you can make your own to customize for your children. Where is the best place to start?


Women Need to Recharge Their Batteries

I feel exhausted. Between all the kids' school activities over the past several months, all the germs they bring home from school (and give to now), the economy, I am just TIRED. I feel like there is not enough time to get away for a decent break, there hasn't been enough time to get to the stable as much as I'd like between basketball, tutoring, and cheerleading and there is definitely not enough money go away anywhere. I really need a break.

I think women forget to take breaks and look out for themselves. I am at that point now where I am reaping the outcome of doing that - sick again.


In Memory of Rex

>> Feb 21, 2009

Rex has been gone six months today. I was looking at his online memorial this morning and still got choked up. When I drive to the stable, and think of him, I get choked up. When I look at his memorial page, tears. When I see his bridle and halter hanging in my daughter's room, it makes me sad that he's not with us anymore and he should be. When do the tears stop? I am 37 years old!


Riding Lessons

My stepkids should be coming back in April for Spring Break. We will have to get my stepdaughter back on a horse then. I wish she was here more...she has a natural seat and would have been great if she'd had the time on a horse.

I thought about buying her a package of riding lessons for her birthday in December to use when she was here in April. Then, she'd get a handful of lessons during that time instead of just one during the break because with them coming (plus transportation costs to get them here), and adding two teenagers in the house, our food expenses go sky high and we can't afford more than one lesson at that time. It would have made a nice birthday present, but you know how kids are - kids and their electronics. She was looking at ipods, a yellow one, so that is what we bought for her. I kind of wish, now that Spring Break will be here before we know it, that we'd gone with the riding lesson package instead. Oh well, maybe next year.


Go Away Winter...Time to Ride

It's snowing! I am so DONE with winter already. My kids want to ride! My oldest wants to continue her jumping lessons and my 9 year old and 7 year old want to start taking lessons. We are going to alternate with the two who want to learn and put them on at the end of Bree's jumping lessons just to get them started a little bit. Even my three year old wants to ride but she definitely has to wait.


Farmhouse Sinks

>> Feb 20, 2009

I've seen these farmhouse sinks on the home and garden shows on television and wish now we'd put one in our kitchen when we remodeled it a year ago. I have a brushed steel finish double sink, which is already scratched, but these farmhouse sinks look so nice and would stay looking just the way it was bought, as opposed to my scratched up sink. This color would have been perfect too! It would've given the kitchen more of a personal feel and I like the single, large bowl. Plenty of room for four kids' worth of dishes! I wish now we'd looked at them.


Can't Decide Betwen Two Headstalls

I can't decide which one I like better in black:

Oh decisions, decisions. It took me forever to pick out just the right black saddle. Now it is taking me just as long to decide on this too. There's not a big price difference so that's not a factor. I might have to take a road trip to Rod's and look at them in person. Maybe that will help.


Awwww...My Husband Loves Me

In all the 13 years we've been married, through my asthma attacks, childbirth four times, and diagnosis of thyroid disease seven years ago, I've never seen my husband worry about me. I figured he wasn't a worrier or he hid it well.

Lately, he's been bugging me to make a doctor appointment to have the nodules in my neck checked. They've not been biopsied in seven years now. He's really worried. He thinks the longer I put it off, the closer I am to death (which is how he put it this morning). I wonder what has him worrying all of a sudden?

He's always been so carefree about everything. Lifetime struggles are nothing...trouble with his difficult ex doesn't get him down (though she'd like it too, lol). Not having extra money stinks but that just flies off his shoulders too. He never takes anything seriously! I think he's worried about the "C" word because of the lumps on my thyroid. They've been there for more than seven years though. I don't understand why, all of a sudden, he is so worried but I better make the doctor appointment now while I am thinking about it.

It's nice to know that he does take having me around seriously though.


Pierced Cats Sold as Gothic Kittens

>> Feb 18, 2009

A woman (dog groomer) has been brought up on charges of animal cruelty for piercing the ears, necks and tails of kittens. The necks are pierced with what is called a "submission ring." They were up for sale on a number of places, including eBay, and are being referred to as "gothic kittens."

Dogs tails are docked, which is being used by the defense attorney for this woman, along with the fact that there is no law against piercing cats.

Is this any different than docking dogs' tails? How about the livestock - tagging your livestock's ears, banding their testicles until they fall off, cutting their testicles while you hold a goat in your lap (see a picture of that here), or using a burdizzo on them? A lot of people don't use anesthesia when they do that.

How about human babies? Is it any different than piercing an infant baby's ears?

What do you think?


The Promise of Spring Brings Back Childhood Memories

With the temperatures trying to warm up, I've seen more cattle. Some farmers in the area let them out into the corn fields along the highway. It's the best time to see them along the highway and my three-year-old just loves to seem. She calls them "tows". I wish I had my camera to take some pictures but I never seem to have it lately when I need it. I did find a cow that looks a little like my horse though (it's a joke about my horse who loves her food more than any other horse at the barn):

When I was a little girl, my aunt had a cow named Elsie. She was my favorite cow on her farm! We spent a lot of time at my aunt's farm, running around spring through fall until the weather was too cold. I would go visit Elsie every time I would go to my aunt's house. One day I went over there, and they had bad news to tell me. Elsie had gotten caught in a fence somehow and was gone. I assumed they made her into meals, but I didn't ask. I never asked. I still remember Elsie, that conversation, and the tears afterward and it's been about 30 years.

I doubt I will ever trade in my horse tack for cattle supplies, but I do have a horse who eats like a cow:


Equine Rescue in Ohio

If you are looking for an honest person to buy your next horse from, you should contact this rescue in west central Ohio. Salem Ridge Thoroughbred Rescue rescues thoroughbreds, obviously, but you may still find on occasion other breeds that need a good home too. They care about the welfare of the horse first and will be honest with you. Placing horses in good homes are the priority and the rule, never the exception.


Buying Tack

>> Feb 15, 2009

I have found two perfect black leather bridles for JeeNee and haven't decided between the two of them yet. I wanted black to match the black saddle my husband bought me two Christmas' ago. They are beautiful bridles and they'd look so good on her. Now, I have to find them on sale by Mother's Day! That gives me...three months? Something like that.

Buying tack can be a hard expense if you're not careful so I've been buying it a piece at a time. I would also like to get a really nice saddle pad, once I figure out what her colors will be (besides black). Here is her baby picture, running with her momma several years ago:

Any second color with black would work. Pink fades quickly. Maybe red or purple? Rex had emerald green and since he's in horse heaven now, I don't want to use that color for JeeNee. His emerald green halter is hanging in my daughter's room along with his bridle. Those are his colors. He was a beautiful red head!


Jumping Safety Vests

>> Feb 12, 2009

My daughter is going to start her jumping lessons again when the weather breaks. She had just started in the fall of last year before the season came to an end due to the deep freeze we were in.

I am thinking about getting her one of those protective body vests. I've seen them on some equine sites. Some seem to be just foam - is that enough to prevent a broken bone?

I don't know anything about them. That makes it hard to know what I should be looking for.


Fear of Flying

>> Feb 3, 2009

There is one activity that I have not been able to "cowgirl up" and get over yet. It's my fear of flying. I'd rather drive for 48 hours than take a three hour flight.

Why am I afraid of flying? Besides the idea of dropping to the ground in a flaming heap, I think it is the lack of control and I have control issues (I readily admit to that). I have no control over what the pilot is doing, what the plane is doing. I have to place my trust in a pilot I don't know and I don't trust easily. If the plane goes down, it's pretty much over with unless you're beyond lucky and I can "feel" that terror when I think about it, think about losing my family in that way.

Another reason that has to do with control is that I can't "see" what is going on outside the plane like the pilot can. When I drive in a car, I can see around me and make decisions to protect my family. I am a fantastic backseat driver too (unless you're my poor husband who finds it extremely annoying). I don't know why he wouldn't find me nagging at his driving constantly to be anything but pleasant.

I was deathly afraid BEFORE 9/11. I'm even moreso now. It's not bad enough that the plane can malfunction and you plummet to the earth. Now you have freaks who want to take you down.

I have flown before. Once. I flew across the United States to go skiing. For the flight there, it took a few shots of liquor and I was ok to get on the plane (drunk, but ok). For the flight home, I didn't drink and I forgot the gum. I was sober, terrified, and in pain through my neck from the pressure.

We have a ton of frequent flyer miles my husband wracked up flying back and forth to Japan. He wants to use them to go on a vacation - just the two of us. I've refused thus far because of my fear. I won't let them go though because one day I WILL get on a plane...maybe when my kids are older and I don't need to worry about leaving them without parents. As of right now, those frequent flyer miles might as well be confederate currency for all the good it is doing us right now...can't spend them.

We talked about flying the family to Disney with the frequent flyer miles but then I'd want us to take two planes in case one went down so the entire family isn't killed in one swoop but then the thought of that just paralyzes me too.

So, yes, I have a neurotic fear of flying.


The Little Rodent Speaks

Punxsutawney Phil, the little fat rodent, said we have six more weeks of winter on Groundhog Day yesterday. Six more weeks of ice to put up with until we can get back into the outdoor arena.

Six more weeks is better than months so I guess I can accept it. February is a short month. We can be patient. I think.


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