Buying Tack

>> Feb 15, 2009

I have found two perfect black leather bridles for JeeNee and haven't decided between the two of them yet. I wanted black to match the black saddle my husband bought me two Christmas' ago. They are beautiful bridles and they'd look so good on her. Now, I have to find them on sale by Mother's Day! That gives me...three months? Something like that.

Buying tack can be a hard expense if you're not careful so I've been buying it a piece at a time. I would also like to get a really nice saddle pad, once I figure out what her colors will be (besides black). Here is her baby picture, running with her momma several years ago:

Any second color with black would work. Pink fades quickly. Maybe red or purple? Rex had emerald green and since he's in horse heaven now, I don't want to use that color for JeeNee. His emerald green halter is hanging in my daughter's room along with his bridle. Those are his colors. He was a beautiful red head!


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