Awwww...My Husband Loves Me

>> Feb 20, 2009

In all the 13 years we've been married, through my asthma attacks, childbirth four times, and diagnosis of thyroid disease seven years ago, I've never seen my husband worry about me. I figured he wasn't a worrier or he hid it well.

Lately, he's been bugging me to make a doctor appointment to have the nodules in my neck checked. They've not been biopsied in seven years now. He's really worried. He thinks the longer I put it off, the closer I am to death (which is how he put it this morning). I wonder what has him worrying all of a sudden?

He's always been so carefree about everything. Lifetime struggles are nothing...trouble with his difficult ex doesn't get him down (though she'd like it too, lol). Not having extra money stinks but that just flies off his shoulders too. He never takes anything seriously! I think he's worried about the "C" word because of the lumps on my thyroid. They've been there for more than seven years though. I don't understand why, all of a sudden, he is so worried but I better make the doctor appointment now while I am thinking about it.

It's nice to know that he does take having me around seriously though.


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