Riding Lessons

>> Feb 21, 2009

My stepkids should be coming back in April for Spring Break. We will have to get my stepdaughter back on a horse then. I wish she was here more...she has a natural seat and would have been great if she'd had the time on a horse.

I thought about buying her a package of riding lessons for her birthday in December to use when she was here in April. Then, she'd get a handful of lessons during that time instead of just one during the break because with them coming (plus transportation costs to get them here), and adding two teenagers in the house, our food expenses go sky high and we can't afford more than one lesson at that time. It would have made a nice birthday present, but you know how kids are - kids and their electronics. She was looking at ipods, a yellow one, so that is what we bought for her. I kind of wish, now that Spring Break will be here before we know it, that we'd gone with the riding lesson package instead. Oh well, maybe next year.


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