Horse Slaughter Opinions

>> Feb 24, 2009

I have been a horse owner for 2-1/2 years now and do not know anywhere near everything there is to know about horses, their care, their temperaments, training, costs, health, etc. I haunt horse forums to learn what I can about horses.

One subject that always comes up, and causes huge (if not nasty) debates is horse slaughter. Should it be legal or not? Is it humane or not? Is it a necessity or not?

I don't know anything about the subject so I can't speak for or against. I would like to learn more though. I know when dogs or cats are in extreme pain that can't be helped or a dog mauls somebody, they are usually put to sleep. Is it any different for horses?

Do you have an opinion you'd like to share on horse slaughter? Do you think the closing of the slaughter plants in the United States was a positive or negative on the horse community? Is it animal cruelty or humane?


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