The Promise of Spring Brings Back Childhood Memories

>> Feb 18, 2009

With the temperatures trying to warm up, I've seen more cattle. Some farmers in the area let them out into the corn fields along the highway. It's the best time to see them along the highway and my three-year-old just loves to seem. She calls them "tows". I wish I had my camera to take some pictures but I never seem to have it lately when I need it. I did find a cow that looks a little like my horse though (it's a joke about my horse who loves her food more than any other horse at the barn):

When I was a little girl, my aunt had a cow named Elsie. She was my favorite cow on her farm! We spent a lot of time at my aunt's farm, running around spring through fall until the weather was too cold. I would go visit Elsie every time I would go to my aunt's house. One day I went over there, and they had bad news to tell me. Elsie had gotten caught in a fence somehow and was gone. I assumed they made her into meals, but I didn't ask. I never asked. I still remember Elsie, that conversation, and the tears afterward and it's been about 30 years.

I doubt I will ever trade in my horse tack for cattle supplies, but I do have a horse who eats like a cow:


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