I did it! I met first weight loss goal!

>> Nov 17, 2009

I've posted before about my desire to lose weight because I'd feel more comfortable on a horse. I've been trying for awhile but my thyroid was making it very difficult for me. Well, hopefully that's changing! I've broken down my weight loss into three goals and as of yesterday, have met the first of the three goals! Yeah for me!

I did it by adjusting my thyroid medication. I always knew it was my thyroid (hypothyroidism slowed my metabolism WAY down) but it took awhile for me to figure out how best to treat myself because the doctors would just keep on with the same synthetic T4 medication, keeping me overweight. I couldn't keep on that way without having to look elsewhere for ways to lose weight, like researching the best fat burners since my metabolism wasn't working right.

I'm glad the first goal is met. I hope the weight keeps coming off!


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