My Mare Loves the Cold

>> Nov 4, 2009

We've been waking up to frost on the ground and now they're calling for snow showers tonight. I'm not ready yet! I enjoyed the cooler than normal summer. It was fantastic. That doesn't mean I want an early, cold winter too!

I told my husband I wanted to move to where it was warmer - about 75 - 80 degrees year round. Like that's affordable eh? A lot of people head south for orlando vacations this time of year. I can't say I blame them (or all the snow birds who do it regularly every year). It's cold in the north!!

My horse, JeeNee, absolutely loves this cooler weather. She gets really spunky and active the colder it gets. While the other horses go into the run-ins out of the frigid temperatures, she's out running around in it. When it snows, she actually paws at the snow flakes in the air! I really need to get a picture of that! I miss it every single time. One of the negatives about not having our own land to keep her on. What I wouldn't give to have her in my own backyard.


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