Can You Reverse Diabetes

>> Jan 20, 2010

Have you lost weight which resulted in your diabetes being cured (reversed, what is the right term?)?  I was borderline when I was the right weight so I've worried about crossing that line with the extra 30 pounds I had to lose (minus 13 of those pounds now!).  I do not ever want a diabetes diagnosis. I have read that it's possible in magazines and on the xenadrine rfa x site but I'm curious to know from real people that I am acquainted with if it's happened to them or somebody they know. My aunts and mother-in-law have diabetes and with the rise in diabetes in children, and having six children, it's a bit of a worry.  I noticed in the adults that I know who are diabetic that they carry extra weight around the middle (which is where I carry it as well).  Does that raise the risk? 

I guess if I have crossed the line and become diabetic in the future, I'll have to cowgirl  up and deal with it but I'd rather avoid the whole diagnosis thing if I can.  If losing weight reduces my chances, all the better. 


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