Storage, Storage, Storage

>> Jan 13, 2010

Since we are stuck in this too-small house for about four more years (maybe we can push it to 3-1/2 years), I need to come up with storage ideas.  Our house doesn't squeeze all of us in it very well and with everybody's "stuff", it's always cluttered.  I can't stand it.  The house can be clean but not look clean because there is just too much stuff! 

I would love for each child's room to have a wall unit of shelves in different sizes to hold everything - books, bins for smaller items, CD's, sports equipment, toys, etc.  I would also like one in the family room.  I've found a company that will design furniture like this. I wish my budget had a lot more room to spend, spend, spend but after Christmas, I'm just happy to have grocery money!


Amber January 14, 2010 at 6:40 AM  

Sounds like an adventure...good luck!

Adrian January 14, 2010 at 8:27 AM  

Very nice storage system mate.

Dining room Furniture February 16, 2012 at 7:55 PM  

This is a perfect solution as many of us need extra storage from time to time.

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