Watch the Weight Disappear!

>> Jan 20, 2010

I've mentioned before that I wanted to lose weight for riding.  I'd feel better about being lighter for not only myself but for the horse too.  My horse is half Clydesdale so it's not like an extra 30 pounds is that big of a deal to her but I want to do everything I can for her back (and the other horse's backs since I take lessons on other horses, not my own).  I think I finally found a doctor who can manage my thyroid disease effectively which means....ta da!  The weight should start to come off once my hormone levels get optimized!  How cool would that be?  I should take pictures and do a "before" and "after" of what good thyroid management can do.

Unfortunately, just when I finally found the magic solution of a weight loss formula in a new doctor who knows bio-identical hormones about an hour from our home, our finances are so screwed up that we might not be able to even afford to keep the horses boarded anymore. I mentioned it to my husband yesterday and he didn't disagree.  That's a bad sign.  He'd never, ever, ever want me to give up mine and my daughter's horses unless we had no choice.  It's almost to that point. 


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