The Hives are Creeping

>> Jan 20, 2010

In the last couple days, my hives have increased.  They've creeped up onto my forehead, behind my ears, and I think even in my ears if the itching is any clue.  I feel so....bumpy!  I had to cancel my daughter's speech therapy today and my son's fitness class because I couldn't go into the schools with this stuff all over my face without a definitive diagnosis from a doctor that it is what I think it is (hives) and not something contagious. 

My husband said I should still be able to go out; that people will think it's just acne.  I don't need acne treatment cream, I need a steriod cream or shot ASAP. Tomorrow morning is my doctor's appointment so hopefully by this time tomorrow, I'll be showing some relief.

I've had these hives for a couple weeks and have been waiting to get in to see this doctor for them.  My appointment last week was canceled when the doctor went out of town.  I haven't been to the stable in a couple weeks.  Need to get myself fixed up so I can go see people in public again!


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