Riding with a Roll of Fat

>> Jan 20, 2010

From an addiction to your colon, I'm just full of all kinds of great topics today aren't I?  One way I looked into losing weight in my quest these past four years to lose what my thyroid made me keep was a detox.  I had read that a detox can drop the weight.  Detoxing with a parasite cleanse, colon cleanse, liver flush...it all sounded kind of...messy.  Ya know?  I never had the nerve to try any of it.

I wasn't quite to that point of going that far though.  As my weight increased, I rode horses less (ok, I stopped riding).  After our horse died, it took the joy out of riding for me and it never seemed to come back.  The last pictures that were taken of me on the horses before Rex died looked awful.  I want to be fit and healthy, not sitting in the saddle with a roll of fat around my waistband! 


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