The Busy Summer Starts

>> Jun 12, 2010

Summer vacation officially started here a few days ago.  I have the riding lessons scheduled for the rest of the summer for my oldest daughter and I'm trying to figure out how to pay for lessons for my second youngest daughter so she can learn to ride too.  She just turned nine and is definitely ready.

My other goals this summer are to get the house organized (piles of laundry piled on dressers and paperwork piles all over the place just isn't going to cut it wishing for bigger closets to hold it all).  Also going to work on getting hubby to paint the rest of the downstairs. 

For fun, we are planning a vacation in July to see family - beach, boating, and fun.  We will take the kids to the Y many times over the summer to swim too, like last summer. 

On the business end of things, I need to prepare to add more hours to my at-home work schedule when the kids go back to school and also look for a lawyer to handle a legal issue we will have soon.  I've had bad lawyers before and really need to do my research to make sure that doesn't happen again.  How do most people look for an attorney?  Maybe google Texas Maritime lawyer if it's a Maritime lawyer they need?  I'll get it figured out. 

I want to make sure this summer has the least amount of stress possible, even with everything we'll have going on all summer.  Having all the kids home can get frustrating.  I don't want to feel like this all summer long:


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