My Experience with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

>> Jun 1, 2010

I was hospitalized due to a really bad case of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (due to bacterial vaginosis...NOT an STD!) after an ER visit for pain. I was really sick. They gave me morphine in the ER for pain, then dilaudid once admitted, then Percocet as the pain went down.  (One little note, if you have PID, make sure you get a pain reliever BEFORE any pelvic exams - big ouch!!). 

Unfortunately, the antibiotics (Gentamicin and Clindamycin) they had me on had such bad side effects (dizziness, nausea, ear pain and hallucinations) that I was happy to get off them after 2-1/2 days when I got sent home. I saw faces flying at me with evil grins and then the statue outside my hospital window actually turned and looked at me!  At that point, I rang for the nurse to get me off the medications!

I was on IV fluids for dehydration in addition to antibiotics.  I was so bloated I looked like I was in desperate need of a diet supplement. I even had to take my wedding rings off! Like the hallucinations weren't enough...I had to bloat like a whale too.  Thankfully, the water weight came off within the first week or so. 


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