Prenatal Vitamins with DHA

>> Jun 25, 2010

I've been researching prenatal vitamins for a pregnant friend of mine.  She's having a problem taking the vitamins her doctor told her to take.  They make her really nauseous.  I'm confused about vitafol ob dha.  I don't know that Vitafol OB have DHA in them, or maybe they make them now with DHA?  Back when I was pregnant, they weren't adding DHA into everything from vitamins to formula.  I understand it's important now for baby's development. 

Even though I nursed for two years, we still used formula in between nursing because I never made enough milk to provide solely for her.  Her first couple weeks were not happy ones as we did everything we could to get more milk to come in.  It never happened.  I think that had to do with my thyroid disease more than anything because when I nursed my son seven years earlier, before thyroid disease, he never went without breastmilk.  That boy turns 11 today.  Time really flies fast.


cassidy brown June 25, 2010 at 7:36 AM  

Hey, just came across your post.

You should take a look atbebe-o they helped relived one of my friends morning sickness completely.

The only thing is that it doesn't contain DHA, so she will need to get that from another source.

Hope this helps!

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