Important to get your medical records

>> Jun 2, 2010

After I was discharged from my hospital stay due to PID, I went back to ask for copies of all my labs that were done.  It was a good thing records made me a copy of my entire file because the CT scan I'd had in the emergency room to see if I had appendicitis showed two other problems that neither the ER doctor or my doctor on my floor told me about.

The CT scan showed gallstones and diverticulosis and suggested the need for further testing.  I would never have known had I not gone back and asked for my records.  I see some health problems and pain in my future, as well as a change in eating habits.  Perhaps it will help me lose the rest of my weight naturally as I've been considering weight loss help like Lipofuze.

Whenever you have tests done - blood, scans, etc., ask for a copy of those records.  It's amazing that neither doctor I saw during my three days at the hospital mentioned the gallstones or diverticulosis that the CT scan showed!


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