Rain, Rain Go Away

>> Jun 5, 2010

Summer storms have been going through here the past 24 hours.  I think my daughter's riding lesson tomorrow morning is going to end up cancelled.  I'd imagine the outdoor arena is just going to be too wet. 

I have a lot of medical stuff I need to gather for my doctor appointment next week anyway (thyroid, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease info. and eczema - sure wish I knew the cure for eczema).  Now that it is warmer, the eczema is better, but the thyroid needs attention and I don't think my PID is healing the way it should be.  Lots to do but because I was so sick for several weeks, the horses and lessons didn't get the time they deserved; the horses are needing attention and riding so the rain needs to stop so we can spend a few hours at the barn tomorrow.


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