Is horse slaughter humane or brutal?

>> Jun 7, 2009

Is horse slaughter humane euthanasia or do you consider it a brutal act?

Do you consider the euthanizations (putting to sleep, put down, putting out of its misery) that shelters perform on dogs and cats, 9.6 millions animals per year, humane? Don't our tax dollars pay for the animals put down at county shelters?


Anonymous June 7, 2009 at 7:47 PM  

By all aspects horse slaughter is by far the worse of butal and abusive of horse handling. The whole slaughter industry it self promotes and rewards irresponsible people for there failed oboligations. Its driving by greed and profits. There has no need for it in America including the exports as well. To fix the problem we first must not reward people. Allowing slaughter will not stop abusive and neglective situations to horses. Just as there are laws to protect kids from abusive parents they still continue to do it.. You dont see the laws changing to support abusive parents and let them continue but you actually inforce the laws with stiffer penaltys. We need to change the word for horses as livestock to Pet. This would inhance farther punishment and not a slap on the risk. Many who are making money supporting horse slaughter dont want to change the horse status due to the tax breaks they get having large areas of land. More taxes but put a few horses out there and you get tax breaks. Lets not for get this is a slaughter support slaughter industry Note the South Western Cattle Raisers in Texas were getting paid $3.00 per horse slaughter in the plants in Texas. While these plants operated illegal in Texas for years ignoring laws and waste water violations. Not to mention the recent reports from the USDA FIOA proofing the abuse and neglect that was rewarding these people. The few people such as the AVMA and the AAEP knew this going on and allowed it to continue secretly they are also the ones that call slaughter humane euthanisa. They have failed there own Oaths to protect horses and know it.. We must continue to rub there faces in there negligents and expose these law breakers and irresponsible people. for more info visit

Syn June 8, 2009 at 5:21 AM  

Thanks for commenting. I don't know enough about it either way and like to read about different viewpoints to learn. Thanks!

Unknown November 12, 2012 at 5:16 AM  

I am writing to you about these horses that are desperate for life in Botswana. Would you be willing to at least check this story out and consider publishing this to your blog readers?

I am Douglas Hammett, a missionary from Emmaus, Pa.
I met Angelique DeVilliers 2 years ago when I went looking for some guard dogs after a break in at my house. Many people in town recommended her to me and so out to her farm I went.

I was amazed at what I found. It reminded me of what I have seen in The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan. She has a wonderful way with her dogs.

But along with that I found that she was caring for some horses that were abused. She was doing that at her own expense. So I have watched this unfold over the last 2 years.

Then Angelique reached out to many of us here in Botswana asking for help. The horses she was caring for were becoming very expensive AND she had others with great needs.

So some of us have given, but frankly our funds are quite limited. This is where you could be of great help.

Angelique has started a fund raising project with Indiegogo. There are 24 days in this project left to raise the needed funds of $12,240 to care for 10 horses over the next 6 months.
This project is the great need right now.

I know that scams come out of Africa and you must beware of those. But I am asking that you at least take a look at this need.

You can check it out at

More information can also be found in an article just published in The Voice, a Botswana newspaper.

Unfortunately one of the two horses Angelique was hoping to save died by the time the article went to press. If the money comes in time, she will still be able to save the one remaining horse.

You could be such a great help if you would alert your readers to this great need.
If you have further questions, feel free to write me at
I will be happy to answer the questions I can or to put you in touch with Angelique.

Sincerely yours,

Douglas Hammett

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