Piercing Child's Ear Without Pain

>> Jun 22, 2009

My four-year-old braved the guns and had her ears pierced recently. She'd been waiting until she turned four (which she did last month). There were two grandmotherly women working who did the piercing. They took out the antiseptic wipes and put on the latex gloves - - I was waiting for them to pull out a lab coat and put that on too! It all seemed very "medical" like. I don't remember the latex gloves when I was a kid getting my ears pierced. Considering some people just use a needle, ice, and a potato, the more sanitary conditions where she had her ears pierced is a good thing.

She didn't cry or even say "ouch" or anything. She said it didn't hurt which was a relief (even though I used cream on her ears they use when giving children blood tests so they don't hurt, I wasn't sure if it would work for the ears). She's very proud of her new ear rings.


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