Only Hearts Club Brand of Toys for Horse Loving Kids

>> Jun 15, 2009

I just found a great site for toys for my horse-loving girls! I searched all over the Internet the past two Christmas's to find horses and other horse-related toys for my daughters who all love horses, like a lot of little girls do (and their mothers too). I just came across the Only Hearts Club brand that has the cutest toys! Now I can start shopping for Christmas early this year.

If my little girl, who has been carrying a stuffed horse around non-stop, sleeping with it, putting it down for naps, and giving it its own spot at the dinner table (with REAL food) is any indication, she'll definitely still be into horses come Christmas.

Seriously, she had pizza sitting on my dining room table for her horse tonight at dinner. She even had the horse in its own chair, which I took. Mom wants to sit down at the dinner table too!


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