Rescues on the Web

>> Jun 20, 2009

With the closing of slaughter plants, there has been an increase in horses needing a good home. Rescues are overburdened and low on funds doing all they can to save all the horses they can. The Internet is a great resource for finding horse rescues if you are interested in adopting a horse that needs a loving home.

If you are a rescue and aren't on the Internet yet, it's simple to get yourself a web presence so people can find you easier. Check out web design resources such as web site design orange county.

If you are a person who wants to help out but aren't looking for a horse personally, find a local non-profit rescue and donate if you can. If you don't have the money but have some horse experience or extra tack in your barn, perhaps donating extra tack or a donation of some time helping out would be a great way to give without it costing you anything.


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