The 9-12 Project

>> Mar 29, 2009

If you are watching the news or reading the newspaper and not liking the direction our country is heading in, what our government is or is not doing, and the legacy of debt they are leaving for our children and grandchildren, you aren't alone. We've gone off track on what our country is about, what it was founded on, what was good about our country and it's damn scary to me.


Daughter Back in the Saddle

>> Mar 20, 2009

The first lesson after a frigid cold winter...getting back into the groove again.

My baby is the one that looks like a cow out there.


House Bill 418: Horse Slaughter in Montana

>> Mar 15, 2009

House Bill 418 (to allow horse-slaughtering plants) has been approved by the house in Montana. There are people who feel strongly about horse slaughter, both ways. Currently, there aren't any horse slaughter plants in the United States, but HB418 would allow private plants.


Spring Clean-Up

Onto better news...spring is roaring down upon us. I am SO happy to see warmer temperatures coming our way.

I see everybody outside, bringing patio furniture out of storage, cleaning sticks and leaves up out of their yards, and raking their flower beds. I don't have to take our patio furniture out of storage because my husband never put it away. I was so worried that I'd see rust on it but (so far), there isn't. I better plan on getting some patio furniture covers to protect the furniture from the rains so more moisture on top of being left out this winter, doesn't cause my furniture to rust. (Besides, I doubt my husband will put all my furniture away before the next winter so I really better think about finding covers to cover them.)

My horse, JeeNee, loves this weather. She is frisky and playful. She'll slow down once it gets hot (the clyde in her loves the cooler temps, not the hot temps) so that will be when I ride her - when she is slower and more level-headed, lol.)


When do you sue?

Y'all just read a little about the disabilities my son was born with, likely caused by stresses and harassment during the pregnancy that I endured. Likely but not definite which is why she wasn't arrested! (Very disappointing.) I often thought about obtaining a lawyer and going after this individual civilly because criminally, there wasn't enough proof to get her thrown in jail beyond a reasonable doubt.

If you live in Washington and need a Seattle injury lawyer for personal injury, wrongful death, or auto accidents, I just came across this site that can help you. I wonder what the statute of limitations are for something like what my son was born with and his years of therapy (and if I would be able to get my son some restitution for everything he's gone through). Then I would have to explain to him that somebody hated me so much that they would harm him and that would be so hurtful for him. Whether you believe in karma or soul judgment, eventually what comes around goes around. I have to believe that because criminally, a person got away with assaulting a pregnant woman.


Childhood Disabilities Caused By Others

Having a child with a health problem due to somebody else's behavior can be heartbreaking. My son was born with several disabilities and the doctors said it could have been caused by the huge amounts of stress I was under while pregnant with him (getting punched in the lower back while pregnant might have had something to do with it too).

You see, when I was 4-1/2 pregnant with him, my husbands ex-girlfriend's sister thought getting in a pregnant woman's face and threatening her in front of the children was the right thing to do. I went into premature labor for several hours immediately following this event. We were finally able to get it stopped, the police were called, and warnings were given. There were a couple months there full of stress handling this situation with the appropriate agencies. Then when I was nine months pregnant at my stepdaughter's dance recital, I was punched in the lower back immediately after this same sister walked by me. What type of person would PUNCH a pregnant woman in the lower back where the baby sits? (The type of person who should be on Jerry Springer?) There were no cameras around or else I'd have had the person who threw that punch arrested in a heartbeat.

Believing that this person's actions caused my son to go through years of therapy was (is) maddening.


JeeNee's Leg Being Treated

JeeNee's leg is being treated with Wound-Kote. It turns her leg in that area purple, and the first time it was used on her, she kicked out (it stung) but if it will prevent any bacterial infections in her leg wound, she's a big girl and can take it.

I can attest that it stings. After I bought it, I sprayed it to make sure it was working and didn't see it so I put it closer to my face. I was able to see that it was purple and the can was working. Then the wind kicked up and it came back at me in my eye. Yup, it sure stings!

Sometimes, I can be a ditz.

However, she is running on the leg. It doesn't appear to be giving her any problems. She took off from one pasture to the next the other day when she saw her hay being delivered to her. I wouldn't want to hear her huge clip clopping feet running up behind me if I have food in my hands.


Ten Essential Foods - The "Super Foods"

I stopped to check out the diet supplements when I was shopping the other day. I even picked one up to read the box before putting it back. I just don't know enough about them, or how they would interact with my thyroid medication. I didn't see Lipovox there. I think that's found online.

There is some information about Dr. Perricone's "super food" claims about ten essential foods that provide what you need (as seen on Oprah). I missed that episode but there is a product called Lipovox that claims to have these ten essential foods plus more:

  • Brazilian Acai
  • Cayenne Pepper Fruit
  • Garlic
  • Soybeans Isoflavones
  • Barley
  • Wheatgrass
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus
  • Alfalfa Sprouts
  • Flaxseed
  • Buckwheat
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Salmon Oil Powder
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • DMAE

I've seen some of these as individual supplements but never in one pill. Have you any experience with Lipovox?


Phew! Horses Sure Can Worry You

>> Mar 9, 2009

My horse had a small cut on her back leg on Saturday that looked like it had a little pus dripping from it. It looks clean this morning so that is a relief! She was cantering yesterday on it so it isn't bothering her either.

Phew! I have no idea how she did it but she shouldn't worry her mamma like that!


To ride or not to ride?

>> Mar 8, 2009

I found this horse plaque at the local country store today that I picked up for a friend of ours who had a bad week last week. It is a horse's head and says:

To Ride or Not To Ride?
What a stupid question!!

She is a HUGE horse lover so I hope it cheers her up a little.


Work at Home Prospect Dried Up

I am running out of time to decide whether I am going to get my insurance license or not. I have a couple more weeks and then it is too late to take the state test without retaking the class again.

When you can inquire on any type of insurance online anymore (home, auto, travel insurance online), I don't see a lot of need for a work-at-home insurance agent. Besides, the person who was going to be my boss ended up being a bit of a head case so that killed any ambition I had of working for him and paying for the state tests.

I wanted to do it so I could make a full-time income on a part-time basis, working around my kids' school schedules and horse time. I'll find my niche eventually right?


Horse Spring Fever

My oldest daughter is getting anxious to ride again. We had such a bitter, cold winter so she didn't get much riding in at all. She has a bit of spring fever. My horse, JeeNee, gets a bad case of spring fever if she's not worked through the winter. She is calm most of the time but spring gets her motor going. The first time taking her into the arena after having a couple months off, she is full of you know what. The first spring I had her, I actually ran under the fence to get out of the arena, she was so full of it and seemed to enjoy running at me and scaring the "you know what" out of me. The second spring, I held my ground (while practically shaking in my boots). This is the third spring coming up so we will see what happens this time around. She is older now and has had more training so let's see if she acts like a lady or an ADHD horse, lol.

I was looking online for cold weather gear that will make riding possible next winter (because I feel guilty about the amount of time our horses get in the winter now), and just being at the barn for longer periods more enjoyable, and I found these winter work gloves at this online site that sells safety equipment. They are supposed to keep your hands warm but allow for greater dexterity than a lot of regular winter gloves would.


Homemade Horse Treats with Vitamin E

I am looking for Vitamin E horse treats. I've seen where they sell supplements that go into the feed but that's not what I am looking for. I am not having a lot of luck finding what I want.

I thought I did yesterday when I found about six bags of a horse treat with Vitamin E at a local feed store. When he old me he was giving them to me for free, I asked him why. They expired FOUR YEARS AGO. He told me they should still be good. Um, yeah, right...I'll risk upsetting my horse's stomach and colic for a bag of horse treats. Not.

If I can't find them to buy, I am considering making them myself. I have a book of horse treats and was wondering if I could buy one of the Vitamin E supplement feed forms of it and add it to my homemade horse treats. Anybody ever make homemade horse treats before?


Roller Coaster Weight Loss...How Frustrating

I am getting SO frustrated. I lost five pounds about a week ago but when I got back on the scale yesterday, I had gained back 3.6 of it! What is going on? I know everybody fluctuates but this is getting so frustrating when I am trying to lose weight and the first five pounds that I lose comes back!

I wanted to be thinner when I got back on a horse this year. I cringe at pictures taken of me riding and I didn't want that again this year (not to mention it is bathing suit season which I will NOT be participating in this year).

I am seriously getting upset over this. I didn't want to use weight loss pills but I am thinking about asking my doctor for a little help. I don't have to be a size two again (and I honestly don't want to be that skinny again at my height). I just want to feel good about myself. These are the times that I really hate my thyroid and what it has done to my metabolism. Having an auto-immune disorder seems like such a betrayal of my body.


Little Girls' Rooms

I was looking at these country-ish curtains at the local farm store for my daughter's room today. Right now she just has a valance but I don't like her window being so easily seen into. I don't know if I want to go with a camo type of pink and white curtains or with Cheap Blinds. I think blinds would give the room more privacy but curtains would look really nice too.

She and my youngest daughter have the BEST little girl's room and after I figure out the curtains/blinds, it will be almost done. She has S'Mores (the interactive pony) and a large, wooden barn full of horses so a country curtain would work in there but her wall is also covered in butterflies and flowers too. It's not all horses. I'll get it figured out soon.


Wound Infection

My girl has a cut on her back right leg and it has some pus draining from it. It's not a large cut and doesn't look deep or anything. I don't know what she did to it or if she reopened the wound from awhile back when she jumped over the pasture fence. She is ornery about that back leg to begin with (it had to be THAT one!) so I went to buy an aerosol spray antiseptic for it instead of an ointment to rub on. I've seen cuts on her before but I've never seen it with pus. Should I be really worried?


Less Jiggle in the Middle

>> Mar 3, 2009

I started a health blog, Healthy Me, as a reminder to start taking better care of myself in terms of exercise and eating better. I need to be more fit - less fat and toned. The last few weeks, I got off track with exercising though I did manage to lose five pounds (yeah me!!).

I just don't have a lot of willpower when it comes to exercise (or eating right to be honest). Part of it is that I am just so scattered and exercise gets easily forgotten. I need to stick to an exercise routine. I don't want to use diet pills, though I can't say I haven't been tempted, but I would like to build a little muscle. There is a muscle builder called Spawn supplement that I heard about but I just need to stick to old-fashioned exercise to firm me up. I just want to have less jiggle in the middle.


Pink Dolphins!

Seeing dolphins would be a wonderful experience in itself, but can you imagine if you saw a PINK DOLPHIN? This picture was taken of a pink dolphin in Lake Calcasieu in Louisiana. It is thought to be an albino.

What a pretty site. It'd be like seeing a unicorn or what you expect to see in one of my children's various Barbie cartoons.


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