House Bill 418: Horse Slaughter in Montana

>> Mar 15, 2009

House Bill 418 (to allow horse-slaughtering plants) has been approved by the house in Montana. There are people who feel strongly about horse slaughter, both ways. Currently, there aren't any horse slaughter plants in the United States, but HB418 would allow private plants.


Anonymous March 31, 2009 at 11:05 AM  

From Canada where we still have slaughter plants...I can see both sides of the issue. There has to be something to stop suffering/starvation of unwanted horses animals. However, greedy folks, irresponsible owners (and/ or irresponsible breeders) or even unsuspecting owners just dispose of horses at auctions where they are picked up by meat buyers. What is the solution? Let them starve and suffer or sell for slaughter? I think its a very complex issue. I personally believe public education is the only solution. There is no way to stop the greed and suffering. Some horses should be euthanized (or slaughtered) for being a danger while others are excellent papered train rideable horses.

I personally own for the last 6 yrs a registered Appy that I bought through some horse dealers who bought him right prior to his slaughter.

sarahj April 10, 2009 at 9:04 AM  

I personally see both sides but i take the side that is against horse slaughter there are many places where you can drop horses off and leave at least 300 bucks with that horse to help pay for the shots and other fee's. Also i personlly think that horses that do bit and kick that are unridiable should be given another chance wouldn't you like to be given another chance anoymous???

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