Horse Spring Fever

>> Mar 8, 2009

My oldest daughter is getting anxious to ride again. We had such a bitter, cold winter so she didn't get much riding in at all. She has a bit of spring fever. My horse, JeeNee, gets a bad case of spring fever if she's not worked through the winter. She is calm most of the time but spring gets her motor going. The first time taking her into the arena after having a couple months off, she is full of you know what. The first spring I had her, I actually ran under the fence to get out of the arena, she was so full of it and seemed to enjoy running at me and scaring the "you know what" out of me. The second spring, I held my ground (while practically shaking in my boots). This is the third spring coming up so we will see what happens this time around. She is older now and has had more training so let's see if she acts like a lady or an ADHD horse, lol.

I was looking online for cold weather gear that will make riding possible next winter (because I feel guilty about the amount of time our horses get in the winter now), and just being at the barn for longer periods more enjoyable, and I found these winter work gloves at this online site that sells safety equipment. They are supposed to keep your hands warm but allow for greater dexterity than a lot of regular winter gloves would.


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