Homemade Horse Treats with Vitamin E

>> Mar 8, 2009

I am looking for Vitamin E horse treats. I've seen where they sell supplements that go into the feed but that's not what I am looking for. I am not having a lot of luck finding what I want.

I thought I did yesterday when I found about six bags of a horse treat with Vitamin E at a local feed store. When he old me he was giving them to me for free, I asked him why. They expired FOUR YEARS AGO. He told me they should still be good. Um, yeah, right...I'll risk upsetting my horse's stomach and colic for a bag of horse treats. Not.

If I can't find them to buy, I am considering making them myself. I have a book of horse treats and was wondering if I could buy one of the Vitamin E supplement feed forms of it and add it to my homemade horse treats. Anybody ever make homemade horse treats before?


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