JeeNee's Leg Being Treated

>> Mar 15, 2009

JeeNee's leg is being treated with Wound-Kote. It turns her leg in that area purple, and the first time it was used on her, she kicked out (it stung) but if it will prevent any bacterial infections in her leg wound, she's a big girl and can take it.

I can attest that it stings. After I bought it, I sprayed it to make sure it was working and didn't see it so I put it closer to my face. I was able to see that it was purple and the can was working. Then the wind kicked up and it came back at me in my eye. Yup, it sure stings!

Sometimes, I can be a ditz.

However, she is running on the leg. It doesn't appear to be giving her any problems. She took off from one pasture to the next the other day when she saw her hay being delivered to her. I wouldn't want to hear her huge clip clopping feet running up behind me if I have food in my hands.


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