Less Jiggle in the Middle

>> Mar 3, 2009

I started a health blog, Healthy Me, as a reminder to start taking better care of myself in terms of exercise and eating better. I need to be more fit - less fat and toned. The last few weeks, I got off track with exercising though I did manage to lose five pounds (yeah me!!).

I just don't have a lot of willpower when it comes to exercise (or eating right to be honest). Part of it is that I am just so scattered and exercise gets easily forgotten. I need to stick to an exercise routine. I don't want to use diet pills, though I can't say I haven't been tempted, but I would like to build a little muscle. There is a muscle builder called Spawn supplement that I heard about but I just need to stick to old-fashioned exercise to firm me up. I just want to have less jiggle in the middle.


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